Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Week 2

Tomorrow, Thursday, will be the one week mark of when I started taking the product that I am using to help me lose weight. I have taken it faithfully each day, but have been very lax in doing my exercises each morning. My granddaughter had a birthday this week and so the celebration was at Gerties Pizza. But so goes life!!!
I know you are all wanting to know if I have lost any weight or not over the last week and the answer is YES! I lost 3 lbs. I was worried about the pizza and lack of exercise, but even though I lost the weight, I still want to keep up the morning exercise program. I feel so good after I am through exercising that I don't want to give up that great feeling to start off each day!
I haven't heard from some of you that wanted to lose weight with me. I won't post your name online, but will post the weight loss. Well, I'm really anxious to see what the results will be next week, but until then "I bid thee farewell!"

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